Motor Perception Therapies

Motor Perception is the ability to recognize, recall, discriminate, make sense of what they see and coordinate visual information with motor output. These Perception therapy programs will improve hand-eye coordination, visual motor speed, legibility, and confidence. Which also include visual-motor integration and other sensory modalities.

Methodology based on

Program to improve the hand-eye coordination and other sensory functions.

  • Oscillators It works on improving Hand-Eye Coordination, It also involves Auditory and Visual clues for users response. It has various modules to cover most of the Oscillations like Vertical ZigZag, Horizontal ZigZag, Box Spiral, Circular Spiral, Diamond, Horizontal Curved
  • Rotational Dots This has lots of Dots rotating from the center of the screen, the user has to Click based on the sequences like Alphabets( English, Hindi, Tamil), Numbers.Click Random Items like Fruits. Click all the specified item in the whole lot, example click all the red dots

Who can be treated with this programs

  • Difficulty in writing
  • Poor attention and concentration
  • Slow at completing tasks
  • ADD and ADHD
  • Conclusions and Acquired brain injuries
  • Visual information processing disorders, including visual-motor integration and other sensory modalities

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