
We have a wide range of programs to diagnose binocular vision properties like visual acuity, vergence, accommodation, Phoria, muscle balance, and worth's four dots.

Diagnostics procedure

Program to measure the acuity, prism, disparity and so on.

  • Acuity Standard Acuity and TriColor Acuity Chart to measure the visual acuity from a distance of 20 feet for the left eye, right eye and both eye.
  • Vergence Prism values for Base In and Base out can be measured for both the eyes.
  • Accommodation Accommodation will be quantified based on the response speed of the eye for given acuity.
  • Phoria Deviation of eyes will be measured in terms of Prism values and Disparity.
  • Muscle Balance The eye's fixation will be quantify the strength of extra-ocular muscles.
  • Worths Four Dots Assesses the patient eyes fusion and suppression capabilities from a distance and near.
  • Pursuits Constantly tracking the moving object in the viewport.
  • Saccades Tracking the object jump from location to another.

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